Primal. Universal. Beloved.
The artist chose rattles to remind us of humankind’s resilience and global connection. Their unusual surface was inspired by a 16th century pottery firing technique invented by Japanese tea makers aspiring to give thanks for life’s inherent imperfections. Keep one close to soothe your worried soul when life seems anything but perfect.
Native Americans used rattles to bestow blessings upon their crops. Use your rattle to help rattle some rain into your life, some rain out of your life, to rattle your worries away, or (if you insist) just to keep your papers from blowing astray.
*Shake to the rhythm of your favorite music or to the beat of your own drum.
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Pick up your innerSpirit Rattle. Cup it in the palm of your hand. Focus on the weight. Now give it a shake. Did you feel that? Of course you did. Your shoulders just relaxed. That’s stress leaving your body. Naturally. Okay… now for the biggie. Think of one thing for which you are grateful. Come on. You can think of at least one. Pay attention. There! Now you feel it. That’s amazing, huh? Your heart and your head just pushed your worries aside. Unite your mind, body, and soul to conquer fear. Use your innerSpirit Rattle as a tool. Make some funky music. Shake to the rhythm of your favorite music, or to the beat of your own drum.

Learn More About innerSpirit Rattles.
Yoga Magazine said it best....
innerSpirit Rattles help trigger a feeling of gratitude. Holding one in the palm of your hand, you will feel an instant emotional connection to its beauty, texture, and small size, but it is the music you’ll make with it that may nurture your strongest connection. Keep one nearby- on a desk, a bookshelf, a bedside table- to remind you to give thanks often.
Why are innerSpirit Rattles so special?
Discovered in excavations of ancient civilizations in even the most remote places on earth, rattles are often rich with cultural and historical stories. Handcrafted from inventive materials by resourceful peoples, these early musical instruments represent humanity's shared heritage, and are a testament to the resilience of the human spirit.....
What is Raku pottery?
Raku is a method of firing pottery developed by a 16th century Japanese monk who wanted to produce tea bowls that matched the simple beauty and austere grace of the traditional tea ceremony.....

J. Davis Studio is a small ceramics studio in Alpine, Texas.
J. Davis Studio is a small ceramics studio in Alpine, Texas. Located in the vast and peaceful Chihuahuan Desert, close to Big Bend National Park, the area is isolated and rugged.
There is arguably a unique energy springing from this uncluttered and far flung part of the world. The desolate mountainous landscape has a curious way of reinforcing faith, dredging up an unknown inner strength, and sparking a deep appreciation for even the smallest things in life......
Pictured: The Jack S. Blanton Museum of Art at the University of Texas at Austin
Gift boxed with a story card, innerSpirit Rattles are sold at a wide variety of retailers: destination health resorts, national art museums & parks, hospital gift shops, gift shops in churches & places of worship, & independent bookstores – along with the traditional American craft galleries & boutique gift shops.